We are proud to announce that the transaction between Corsair Capital and shareholders of MJM Holdings is signed !
The M&P’s team has advised MJM Holdings’ shareholders in respect of sale of their majority stake in the company to Corsair Capital. We sincerely congratulate to all who put an enormous work and efforts to make this success possible.
MJM Holdings is a fast-growing brokerage platform, covering property and casualty insurance, commercial motor insurance and reinsurance. This makes MJM ready to offer a comprehensive package of solutions with specialized advice and a high level of service in all sectors of its Clients.
On behalf of M&P, the transaction was handled by Grzegorz Motyka with the support of Tomasz Dudzinski, Mariusz Machcinski, Adam Ziębicki and Igor Gutowski.
The M&P team had the opportunity to advise MJM shareholders in cooperation with PwC Poland and Szymon Skiendzielewski. Thank you!
On the Corsair Capital side, Slaughter and May, EY, DLA Piper and VCP provided advice.
We wish Marcin Slotala and all parties involved in the MJM Holdings Group all the best on the road ahead with their new strategic partner. We keep our fingers crossed for further success.
The transaction will be finalized after obtaining approval from the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.
For more information, visit: Corsair to Acquire MJM Holdings, a Leading European Commercial Insurance Broker | Business Wire
DLA Piper and Marszalek & Partners Advise on Corsair Capital Acquisition of MJM Holdings (ceelegalmatters.com)
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