Compulsory third party liability insurance – treatment and rehabilitation costs reimbursement – a few words about the Supreme Court resolution as of June 19, 2016 (file No.: III CZP 63/15) |
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Described above courts standpoint under the newest resolution of the Supreme Court made up of 7 judges as of June 19, 2016 (file No.: III CZP 63/15) may be changed overall. Since according to the maxim of judgement: |
“the benefit given by insurer under agreement of binding third party liability insurance of mechanical vehicles holders covers also justified and special-purpose injured treatment and rehabilitation costs not reimbursed form public funds (Article 444 § 1 of the Civil Code)”
The thesis analyse gives ground to find that – different than till now – the obligation of proving the lack or strong hindrance of public medical care usage possibility will not constitute the prerequisite creating the entitlement to occurre within the framework of private medical care costs reimbursement claim, because it will be sufficient to prove the grounds and aim of occurred costs pursuant to general provisions of law. As the abovementioned resolution lacks of written justification, the Supreme Court verdict motives are still not revealed, nonetheless in the light of cited thesis private medical costs reimbursement claim may become easier in practice.
atty. trainee Michał Kurzela | |
Author: admin
Company’s Run – Rerospection
We did not win, we were not on the podium, but the style we were running was unforgettable!
We would like to thank our Clients:
- Beno Dolžan
- Robert Rzemiński
- Michał Matulka
- Jacek Mieczkowski
We invite you to cooperation
Marszałek & Partnerzy in Charity Companies’ Run
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Marszałek & Partnerzy employees altogether with Clients will take part in fourth Charity Companies’ Run which will be organized in Park Kultury Powsin, Kabacki Forest and area on Jun 11, 2016. The main aim for which we will be running, of course beside of supporting sport activity and healthy competition, is the charity aim, that means gathering money for healing two-year old Oleg Podrazy who suffers from complex genetic defects delaying his psycho-somatic development, which disable normal life.
The Law Firm Marszałek i Partnerzy – Adwokaci advised on the sale of 100% of shares in KWW Kotkowski Wierzbicki Węgrzyn sp. z o. o. for the benefit of the Ukrainian company Farmak PJSC
Lawyers from Marszałek & Partners advised on the sale of KWW Kotkowski Wierzbicki Węgrzyn LLC (The Capital Group included also the Nord Farm LLC and Arenpharma LLC) to the Ukrainian Farmak PJSC.
Marszałek & Partners’ team of lawyers advising the sellers was led by atty. Tomasz Dudziński who was supported by atty. Iwona Dobkowska-Pulawska, atty. Grzegorz Motyka, Piotr Rydzewski – Tax advisor and atty. trainee Michał Kurzela.The lawyers of the Law Firm Marszałek i Partnerzy – Attorneys at Law advised on the sale of 100% of shares in the company KWW Kotkowski Wierzbicki Węgrzyn sp. z oo (the capital group also included Nord Farm sp. z oo and Arenapharma sp. z oo). The acquisition was carried out for the Ukrainian Farmak PJSC.
He managed the team of the Law Firm on the project adv. Tomasz Dudziński with the support of: adv. Iwona Dobkowska-Puławska, adv. Grzegorz Motka, tax advisor Piotr Rydzewski and apl. adv. Michał Kurzela.